Welcome to ValuAnalytics!
Our team provides fast, relevant, and cost-effective financial analytics to help you assess the value of your business. When a business valuation is needed, two options are generally available: hire an appraiser or perform a valuation on your own. While hiring an appraiser is a surefire way to ascertain value, it can be an expensive proposition, and you may not need it to address your needs. However, performing any level of analytics on your own without the appropriate modeling infrastructure, data, and experience in place can be a daunting and time-intensive task.
At ValuAnalytics, we offer a third choice: on-demand, expert-level valuation analytics at affordable prices to support your existing internal expertise – all without ever having to formally engage an appraiser. Every deliverable includes a 30-minute consultation with a valuation expert to ensure your understanding of the analysis.
All of our deliverables are backed by a Data Analytics Quality Guarantee and Expert Support Promise for your peace of mind.