Data Analytics Quality Guarantee

We take accuracy very seriously, which is why we provide a money-back guarantee. If you identify (and we can verify) an analytical error on our end, we will make any necessary adjustments as soon as possible. If we cannot correct the problem, we will issue a refund as soon as possible.

Click HERE to submit a Data Analytics Quality inquiry. Current turnaround time for addressing analytical errors for Data Analytics Quality inquiries is two (2) business days. We address and pursue resolution of any data accuracy issues immediately once aware of an error.

Expert Support Promise

At ValuAnalytics, we understand that valuation is not a science and realize fully that some factors may impact one company significantly but may be trivial to a company in a different industry. Every request is reviewed by an experienced business valuation expert to ensure that the valuation analytics make sense. If our analytics differ from your assessment of how a company compares to its peers, we will reexamine our deliverable (upon your separate request). Please note that the interpretation of how different factors may impact a business’ value can be subjective and, therefore, we cannot guarantee that our conclusions will align with your assessment of value even after a second examination.

Click HERE to submit an Expert Support request. Current turnaround time for addressing Expert Support requests is two (2) business days.

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