About Us and the Founder

Koji Bratcher, Founder
ValuAnalytics was founded in 2020, but its core analytical models were developed over the course of several years and are based on hundreds of valuations and transactions in the middle market space. While working at a large public accounting firm and reviewing mark-to-market fair value analyses for numerous private equity funds, founder Koji Bratcher, ASA, identified an inefficiency in the fair value review process. There are frequent disconnects between funds’ perspectives on value and the fair value considerations required by ASC 820 for accounting purposes. From this disconnect, he began developing a model that would bridge the divide between investment value and fair value. Since its initial development, the model has evolved via real-world testing using hundreds of valuations and transactions. Over time, the model has further continued to evolve to address a broader need in the market: the provision of cost-effective, but reliable expert-level business valuation analytical solution for clients, auditors, and consultants without the need for a formal engagement with an appraiser.
In addition to operating ValuAnalytics, Koji is a managing director and principal with Helios Consulting, Inc., a full-service valuation firm located in Los Angeles, CA. For over 15 years, he has helped business owners, executive management teams, auditors, and regulators better understand the value of businesses across a wide range of industries. Although valuations have typically been used to satisfy compliance needs, Koji has also provided financial advisory services to help clients identify key drivers to improve business value. Prior to founding ValuAnalytics and joining Helios Consulting, Koji held leadership roles within several nationally recognized valuation firms. Of note, Koji was a director within a large public accounting firm and led the review of hundreds of third-party valuations for the firm’s audit clientele.
Koji has been published in leading valuation-related periodicals and contributed to Gary Trugman’s Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized Businesses, Fourth Edition as published by the AICPA.
When he is not immersed in the world of business valuation, Koji enjoys spending time with his family, improving his home, riding his motorcycle, improving his guitar playing skills, tasting IPAs, and lifting weights.